Eugene artist Sophie Navarro / Photo by Athena Delene

Open Air Studios

The dog days of this summer have been especially brutal, yes, but a relaxing, socially distant, outdoor alternative is at hand when the Lane Arts Council, in partnership with ArtCity, hosts Open Air Studios, an extension of First Friday Art Week. Inspired by the popular Studio Without Walls exhibit from pre-pandemic days past, Open Air Studios is an opportunity, says Lane Arts’ Jessica Watson, to showcase visual artists in these COVID-19 days. “What kind of event can we have where we can celebrate the artists?” Watson explains, adding that Lane Arts just wants “to highlight anything right now.” In addition to the artists, there will be music from Ella Trash and the Eugene Difficult Music Ensemble. Oregon Health Authority guidelines will be met, Watson emphasizes. That means no more than 100 people, including the artists, will be allowed inside the area at a time, and that number will be closely monitored. Also, masks are required.

Open Air Studios, presented by the Lane Arts Council and ArtCity is 5:30 to 7:30 pm Friday, Aug. 7, at the Park Blocks, East 8th Avenue and Oak Street. Lane Arts also will have a presence at the Tuesday Farmers Market, Aug. 11, at the Park Blocks when plein air painters gather to chronicle a day at the market from 10 am to 3 pm. FREE — Dan Buckwalter

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