Mask Up, Save Lives

Once upon a time in COVID America, there were those who believed that the price of freedom is not wearing a mask and those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must not wear masks. Others just can’t be bothered, don’t care or believe this is all fake news. It’s no worse than the flu, say some. I’m young and invincible is another mind set.

Between now and the end of the year we can save 66,000 lives if we choose. We know that some of those deaths will be children, and even asymptomatic children can suffer long term consequences. Children have suffered almost 339,000 cases by the end of July with over 97,000 cases in the last 2 weeks of July, a 40 percent jump. There were 25 child deaths in July alone.

COVID is as real and deadly as it gets. Anyone can be an invisible spreader. Everyone, please wear a mask and observe 6 feet of social distance.

Christopher and Deb Michaels


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