Kashinsky Can Lead The City

As a voter in Ward 1, the choice for City Council is straightforward: Eliza Kashinsky is the leader we need. Our representative should do more than share our community values. We need a leader who will cut through difficult issues with nuance, depth of understanding and empathy.

Climate change is here now. Wildfires rage while our governments fail to take serious action to mitigate greenhouses gas emissions. Climate action needs to happen at every level of government. Leaders need to reflect the urgency of the task before us. Kashinsky understands this and knows what we need to do.

Black Lives Matter. People of Color and Indigenous communities have been suffering under the boot of oppression for centuries. We need a councilor who understands that the recent racial awakening is not going to automatically result in the needed reforms across institutions and who will elevate these issues and make real progress. Kashinsky will take this challenge seriously and push our City Council forward.

Watching many City Council meetings over the years, I am convinced that Emily Semple is not up to the tasks that these trying times demand. Look up any video of City Council meetings and witness for yourself the stumbling lack of leadership that our current representative embodies.

Kashinsky will represent values of sustainability and equity with vision, clarity, and determination. She won’t complain about the job being hard. She’s prepared, has answers and knows how to ask the right questions. Please join me in voting for Kashinsky.

Alexis Biddle


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