Defending Donations

The Eugene Association of Realtors® is made up of over 1,100 members. We hold ourselves to a high standard of professional integrity and do our best every day for our community and our
clients. We are your neighbors and we have a vested interest in getting involved to make Eugene a better place to live. Eugene is experiencing a housing crisis. For far too long, leaders have ignored the growing burden this has placed on all of us, but disproportionately on the economically disadvantaged and our neighbors of color.

Our association is committed to doing what we can to support thoughtful, pro-growth leaders who understand Eugene must provide a path to build more housing of all types, so we can be the equitable, inclusive community we say we are. Regrettably, several current councilors have chosen to ignore this crisis and do nothing for years.

This situation is untenable. Eugene deserves leadership to help us grow well, providing opportunity for all, not just the wealthy.

Our organization, like a myriad of unions, environmental groups and others, uses national funds in local campaigns. We are proud to support thoughtful, qualified candidates, and trust that the voters in Ward 1 will vote for their next councilor based on facts and record, not on desperate falsehoods.

Michael Gottlieb
Eugene Realtor®s 2020 president

Editor’s Note: This letter was caught in our spam filter and so not received and processed in time for print publication.

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