Photo by karolina grabowska // pexels

Happy Thanksgiving

It’s been a hellacious and warped year for one and all. Not for nothing do people throw up their hands in exasperation and mutter, “It’s 2020.” All of us have been touched at some point by wildfires, protests, polarized politics and, of course, COVID-19. People have fought with masks and social distance measures. Pick a business — especially any small business — and it has been a struggle for months. Some establishments have not made it, and others may soon follow. The What’s Happening calendar listings this year have often looked like a disaster of starts and stops, a wrecked jigsaw puzzle after a kitten has finished playing with it. Owners and employees of these businesses and organizations live in quiet fear. What will the next month or next year bring? In the midst of it all comes Thanksgiving, and the holiday comes in the middle of a state-wide, two-week COVID freeze where gatherings are strongly discouraged and cancellations have reached the traditional centers of family and friends. These are hard times, but we at Eugene Weekly remind you that all of us have come this far, and for that we are grateful. We will persevere, with new beginnings. Happy Thanksgiving.

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