A Time To Step Up And Help

The housing crisis is at an all time high here in Lane County. According to county information there are at least 9,600 homeless people living in the county, 35 percent of whom have been homeless for a year or longer. This is higher than the national average of 25 percent. We know it’s a problem, yet those who want it fixed do not want to be a part of the solution.

Many residents of Lane County do not want the housing to be built in their neighborhoods. I think that it’s time to take a stand. They are people and they need help. A big factor of their psychical health, mental health and addictions stem from not having a stable home or house to go to. This is costing us taxpayers as well as the government lots of money because we are responsible for the costs of when they go to the hospital or county jail. It would cost us less to provide them stable housing.

As those who are fortunate enough to be stable in housing and finances, we really need to be more empathetic to those in need. We need to allow these housing projects to be built in order to get these people off the streets and into a more comfortable and stable life. They need our support.

Jessica Lee


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