Protecting Oregon’s Rivers

I’m a professional artist and fourth generation Oregonian. Like many Americans, I have a special relationship with the natural beauty of our wild places. For me, our wild rivers are a timeless and priceless source of inspiration, and it is my life’s work to express and share that inspiration with others.

Sen. Ron Wyden’s proposal to extend the National Wild & Scenic designation to more Oregon rivers will help preserve the qualities that make Oregon, and America, a place of enduring beauty and inspiration. There is something so raw and compelling about free-flowing water cascading through the mountains and valleys toward the sea that defines our land and our people. The crystal clean water, the deep forests that clean our air and the wild creatures that inhabit these wild places enrich us all. 

It’s impossible to place a value on the thousands of blissful hours my family has spent on and around these waters for generations. By choosing preservation, we can secure that opportunity for millions of Americans today and in the future. I wholeheartedly support the proposed National Wild & Scenic designation. Thank you, Sen. Wyden!

Robin Hostick


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