Library Also Gives Books To The Poor

I was delighted to read about the Imagination Library program with the Eugene Public Library and Dolly Parton (“Imagine Free Books For Kids,” Letters 3/11). Readers will be delighted even further to know that the Eugene Public Library has been donating used books for almost 35 years to a group called Book Givers.

Books are lovingly mended/restored and re-donated to many nonprofit agencies serving families/children/youth. COVID changed all that: no source of books, no place to work on them, protocol needed to re-donate. St. Vincent de Paul stepped forward as a source of books, two members of Book Givers worked on them per COVID protocol, and not only did they keep donations at previous levels and recipients, donations went to forest fire victims and fire recovery crews!

So, in conjunction with programs who serve children with addresses, there is a program to serve the less fortunate. The community can help by continuing to donate books and by providing new ideas to expand the recipient pool.

Lisa Schultz Tucker


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