Di Liberto Has Been On The Front Lines

I am writing to express my support for Tom Di Liberto for 4J School Board. I have co-owned a retail business in downtown Eugene since 1975. My daughter attended public schools in south Eugene. I have volunteered in area schools and in community music and theater programs, and I have witnessed first-hand the incremental impact of funding reductions on our public institutions and our local students, teachers and school administrators since 1990.

As a 36-year veteran classroom teacher, Di Liberto has been on the front lines. He understands the issues teachers and students face today and how district policy can improve or disable classroom success. He has met the growing needs of students squeezed into increasingly crowded classrooms, with fewer supplies, reduced support staff and opportunities, and the growing emphasis on standardized testing. I am happy to see that issues brought forth in Di Liberto’s campaign have inspired fellow candidates and community leaders to begin new conversations about best practice in education. I also know that Di Liberto is not just talking about these issues. He is passionate about his educational goals and will work with dedication and diligence to enact change and improve the educational experience and outcomes for all of our students.

Linda Ellis


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