Stop Riverfront Development

When you look at the east side of the Willamette River compared to the west side you see very different landscapes. The east side is developed with malls, three-story apartments and private access developments. Fertilized grass grows close to the river’s edge near the apartments. It’s tamed and citified.

The west side has a few rural properties, maple and white oak trees, a native prairie restoration area and habitat for raptors and ducks. It has a wilder feel that provides for a relatively quiet experience just a short distance from the hubbub of River Road.

Several brave neighbors challenged Evergreen Housing’s proposal to build a three-story, 93-unit apartment building on the west side. The Home Building Industry Association’s lawyer succeeded in pointing out that the Greenway Permit will allow whatever type of housing the land is zoned for because there are no “clear and measurable standards” that the permit can be defined by. And if this continues, the west side will eventually look just like the east side. It’s the wild part of our natures that will pay the price of this conversion, not to mention the birds and animals. The Home Builder Industry Association will continue to win unless the Greenway permit gets some real definition. We need to establish clear criteria to preserve the character of the west side Greenway. Please oppose Evergreen Housing’s out of state market rate, unaffordable housing development. There may be a chance to change course if we act now.

Juliet Thompson


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