Reservoir Reservations

Regarding the story by Henry Houston (6/3), I wonder if a more appropriate title for the article might not have been “A Former Quiet Place for Clear Cutting Ancient Trees Within City Boundaries + Explosives Down to the Bedrock and Tons and Tons of Concrete.”

Another title option might have been “A Hushed Approach to a Huge EWEB Project Without Transparency.”

Depending on the angle, what is perceived may look quite different. Take a short walk to that little known pristine wooded hilltop in south Eugene (right on 40th and left on Patterson) and decide for yourself what title would best describe the future our commons on Patterson deserve. Do it before EWEB pushes forward and gets it bulldozed in August in the name of never ending growth and abundant water for green lawns, golf courses and our voracious flush toilets.

Water security is (or at least should be) a human right, but how much do we really need to waste and at what cost to the planet’s fragile equilibrium?

MaRco Elliott


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