The Forest Service Is Selling Us Out

Charged with the mission to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the nation’s forests, it always seems the scales tip toward “productivity.” In other words, maintaining the “Open for Business” sign on the door.

So, it should come as no surprise that the McKenzie Ranger District has pushed forward the Flat Country Timber Sale despite vehement outcry from area conservation organizations. Yet, shocking it remains.

Nearly 2,000 acres of mature forest (100- to 150-year-old) trees stand to be chopped, milled, and sent to who knows where. In the Record of Decision, Darren Cross, district ranger, attests their goals include producing “an optimum and sustainable yield of timber that helps maintain the stability of local and regional economies, and contribute valuable resources to the national economy on a predictable and long-term basis.”

I would just like to point out that we are no longer living in a predictable world, and if there is one thing we can predict, it is that climate change will get worse. Throw your capitalist paradigm out the window. If we cut these trees to boost our economy, chances are all those milled board feet will get burned in the next California mega-fire. Flat Country is near old growth in the heart of our drinking water source, essential habitat to countless increasingly threatened species, and provides unmatched carbon sequestration abilities.

Raise the clamor! Call the regional forester! Tell them Flat Country is #Worthmorestanding!

Katie Preston


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