Make The New Camas School Beautiful — And Eco-Friendly

As a retired 4J elementary school counselor, I understand parents at Camas Ridge School wanting a beautiful building that enhances the educational experience of their children. What I don’t understand is why they are not equally concerned and protesting the burning of methane gas in the new building. Methane negatively affects children’s present and future.

Why do architects continue to design public schools that hurt children’s health and compromise their future survival? We can do so much better. We can electrify everything while transitioning all energy to clean energy. Methane gas use is being phased out because the true costs to health, safety, climate and the financial risks are all too high.

Insist on your children’s (and the neighborhood’s) right to a beautiful building, but demand that the health and safety of your children are priorities. Burning methane is toxic to the atmosphere and poisons indoor air as well, affecting the lungs and hearts of breathing living things.

Parents, we must not get too caught up by the color and size of the picture frame. If what’s inside the frame is problematic, let’s focus on changing that. There is no place in the future for methane gas.

Let’s have a healthy fossil free future for our kids.

Debra McGee


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