Not All Anti-Vaxxers Are Crazy

In his Viewpoint (“Vaccines Are the Problem?” 2/10), John Zerzan mentions that he received hate mail for not being “anti-vaxx.” I find this very regrettable. However, I would like to throw in that this hostility is apparent on both sides, and the lack of critical thinking is not a feature unique to anti-vaxxers. Not every doubtful view on the new COVID vaccinations is just another utterance from the lunatic fringe. Looking, for example, at the disturbing number of side effects listed in the VAERS databank of vaccine adverse events, or at the actual COVID risk based on age and health status according to CDC data, or the evidence that these vaccines do not prevent transmission, shows that the criticism cannot be entirely unjustified.

I agree that in times of increased healthcare burden, it is up to every adult to do their best to not unnecessarily add to that burden. But given the complexity of the challenge there is no “one for all” way to get there. I do not require anybody to do anything with their body because I consider it right, and I never thought denouncing people with other health care choices than mine would be a good idea. But it seems to be entirely OK for many people to do exactly the same with the unvaccinated. We will not overcome the troublesome split and hostility in our society by throwing others with a different view in a prelabeled pot, stir them smoothly into our pre-existing convictions and shut the lid.

Katharina Jones


Editor’s note: There is no evidence that “vaccines do not prevent transmission.” While they do not prevent all transmissions, they significantly reduce the rate of COVID transmission as well as the risk of serious illness among people who become infected. And, as the CDC clearly states, a report to VAERS does not mean that a vaccine caused an adverse event.

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