Federal Help On Housing

Refreshing to see a landlord’s point of view being working together to support the belief that reasonable rent and home ownership belongs to all (“Landlords Can Support Renters” by Eva Chava Kronen, EW 3/10). New local ideas and legislation are helping to deal with the housing crisis, but federal help is needed as well. Congress attempted to do just that with the Build Back Better Act, but 51 senators stood in the way. The child tax credit, housing relief and child care initiative alone would have critically benefited families in difficult times.

We can thank Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley for supporting these initiatives and encourage them to keep going until these crises are no longer with us. Our voices raised in gratitude and encouragement will help create the political will to pass these initiatives and create a better future for America’s families.

Willie Dickerson

Snohomish, Washington

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