Notorious white supremacist Jacob Laskey is headed back to prison for what was described at a recent court date as “out of control” meth use, a violation of his parole from a 2019 crime.
First known for an anti-Semitic attack on Eugene’s Temple Beth Israel in 2002, and later videos espousing racist viewpoints, Laskey was recently in prison for stabbing a fellow member of the racist skinhead group American Front.
On Aug. 6, 2020, Laskey was released, but on March 17, he was booked at Springfield’s jail, where he’s held without bail.
At his March 18 virtual court hearing at federal court, Laskey’s defense lawyer said he wanted him to attend a drug treatment center in La Pine, but his probation officer said he was heavily using meth and was a danger to the community.
At the hearing his probation officer said that on Dec. 27, 2021, Laskey assaulted his father, punching him in the head and then several times while he was on the ground. Laskey’s father filed a restraining order and so did Laskey’s spouse because her daughter — his stepchild — saw him attack his father. Laskey’s partner is living at a homeless shelter with her child.
On March 30, Laskey is scheduled for arraignment in Klamath County.
His probation officer at the March 18 court appearance said that she repeatedly told Laskey to stop using meth, but in a text message he told her, “Bring on the SWAT — it’s a great day to die.” She added that when Laskey was arrested for his Dec. 27 charge, he had a dagger in his possession. His defense lawyer said it was used for his work as a paint assistant, but the probation officer replied that that’s not what such a dagger would be used for.
“If I show up and he’s not thinking straight, it puts me at harm,” the probation officer said about whether Laskey is a danger to the community. “I would like Laskey to stay in custody because his meth use is out of control.”
Laskey’s defense attorney said that he’s been using meth because he’s been grieving the loss of a relationship he had with his stepchild, whom he was hoping to adopt.
Three options were considered for Laskey: drug treatment in La Pine, residence at a halfway home or sent to federal prison. U.S. Magistrate Mustafa Kasubhai ordered that Laskey returns to Federal Correctional Institution, Sheridan, by the week of March 21, giving him time to access his mental health prescriptions.
Laskey’s Criminal History
Laskey spent 11 years in prison for his 2002 hate crime conviction against Eugene’s Temple Beth Israel, as well as threatening to kill a witness in 2004. According to the grand jury charges, Laskey and four others conspired to threaten the Jewish community by throwing rocks engraved with Nazi swastikas and breaking windows at the temple while a service was in progress.
Sentenced to prison in 2005, Laskey was released in 2015. The court also ordered Laskey to pay Temple Beth Israel $896 in restitution.
Laskey already had restrictions from the 2002 hate crime, such as no contact with other white supremacists, prohibited alcohol consumption, no entering locations like bars, and mandatory mental health treatment. Those restrictions were to be followed three years after his 2015 release.
In 2019, Laskey stabbed fellow member of American Front Devin Reid Wolf, 42, of Eugene. He pleaded guilty Sept. 10 of that year to fourth-degree assault and unlawful use of a weapon and was sentenced to 30 months at a state correctional institution.
After the January 2019 stabbing and two other violations, more restrictions were added. According to court documents filed June 2019, he is prohibited from consuming alcohol, must take all prescriptions prescribed by a physician, cannot communicate with other white supremacists, cannot possess white supremacy content and remove previously published material, participate in a cognitive-behavioral treatment program — and more. These restrictions were to be followed for 30 months after his Aug. 5, 2020, release.
On Feb. 7, Laskey was transferred from Oregon State Correctional Institute to federal prison. He served six months federal time before his 2020 release, according to the Bureau of Prisons.
After Laskey’s 2015 release from prison, he had a YouTube channel associated with his family’s Wolfclan Armory and had several social media accounts, where he would rant about Antifa and “social justice warriors.” Laskey called himself an “anti-Antifa supremacist. Laskey was featured in a Eugene Weekly cover story on Antifa. He retaliated by burning a stack of EW newspapers.
He was also an administrator for American Front’s Twitter account and would post racist content. Laskey has the words “white power” tattooed on his face.