Another Remarkable Woman

Thank you for the recent special issue honoring 10 women who have made a difference in our communities (“10 Who Made a Difference,” 3/17). I would like to add Marion Malcolm to your list. As a member of the Clergy and Laity Concerned About Vietnam (now Community Alliance of Lane County), Malcolm was instrumental in educating, organizing and facilitating countless community actions addressing a wide range of social/political issues. Beginning in 1974 and continuing to the present, Malcolm has been at the forefront of activism throughout Lane County.

From her work with CALC up through and including her involvement with the Springfield Alliance for Equity and Respect (SAfER), Malcolm was always forming committees, action groups, demonstrations, multicultural education events, organizing marches and confronting inequities wherever they might appear.

I had the honor of participating in essential political/social/cultural activities with Malcolm and to this day consider her to be a major inspiration to my own path of social justice and equity within our community.

Michael coyote Connelly


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