Kalloch For 4th District Congressional Seat

I would like to express my support for Democrat 4th district congressional candidate Andrew Kalloch.

But let me digress for a moment. I wonder how many people have watched the invasion of Ukraine and the rise of non-democratic forces around the world and realized how precious it is to live in this country? Our democracy is not perfect, but we are free to express our opinions about policies, world events and candidates. We can make up our own minds without fear of reprisal. We also have the responsibility to vote and know as much as we can about our choices before we make our selection.

In the spirit of renewed appreciation for democratic freedom, but also responsibility, I listened carefully to the 4th district candidate debate that took place in Springfield. I heard the candidates’ priorities and their hopes for Oregon. I found Kalloch to be the candidate most prepared to address a variety of issues. It is important to me that whoever wins this race is committed to passing climate change legislation, but the candidate must also be conversant on many issues that come before Congress.

A congressperson must have the capacity to understand emerging problems and new technologies. We live in an interconnected and complex world. Kalloch is a thoughtful and articulate individual with a breadth of knowledge and experience that will make him an excellent congressman. 

Laurie Nicholson


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