Old Growth Research? Or Just Plain Revenue?

On the surface your article “Peace at Last” (3/31) by Clayton Franke sounds upbeat and positive, but I do question the real outcome of the Elliott State Forest as a “research forest” by the passage of SB 1546. This forest harbors some of the last remaining Oregon old growth and should be locked up for protection and wildlife enhancement in perpetuity; we should not allow so-called “research” activities including timber harvesting. Revenue will be used to manage the forest? Doesn’t Mother Nature do a fine job on her own? Old growth is more fire resistant, provides erosion control, purifies and conserves the water table, cleans the air, provides habitat to endangered species and sequesters CO2 to combat climate change.

This is reminiscent of the CITES (Convention for International Trade of Endangered Species) mandate to ban all whaling with the exception of “research” harvesting; Japan to this day takes full advantage of this exception to supply those sushi bars. 

Mary Peabody


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