Take Back the Night

Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual abuse and all forms of sexual violence didn’t stop with the pandemic, and light still needs to be shed on the issue. So, after two years of Zoom because of the pandemic, the annual Take Back the Night gathering returns — in person — at the University of Oregon to again bring the issue of domestic and sexual violence to the front burner. According to the website DoSomething.org, 85 percent of domestic violence victims are women, and a quarter of women worldwide will experience domestic or dating violence in their lifetime. Additionally, half of all homeless women and children in the United States are fleeing from domestic violence. Also, the website notes that boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their partners and children when they become adults. Shine a light on this issue. Enough is enough.  

Take Back the Night 2022 — put together by the University of Oregon Women’s Center with the help of many others — begins at 6 pm Thursday, April 28 with a rally at the Erb Memorial Union Amphitheater, followed by a 7 pm march through the UO campus, ending at 8 pm with a Speak Out against domestic and sexual violence on the south lawn behind the Knight Library. FREE.

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