An Athlete Deserving UO Support

While reading the article about Ku Stevens (“Dedicated Strides,” EW 4/21) I was so impressed by his story and mostly by his ability to see a life path and all the hard work he did to accomplish his goals. Not just for himself, but for his family and his people.

This is the type of young person that the University of Oregon should embrace and welcome with open arms and a full scholarship. But instead, because he doesn’t play football or basketball or come from a monetarily well supported school sports program, of course he doesn’t fit the Nike mold so is told he has to prove himself. Don’t you think he has proven himself by getting where he is today?

Surely the UO should support a person’s whole persona as well as their physical prowess. It’s not all about the money, unless you want to be in the UO sports program. Is there a GoFundMe page for this amazing young man?

Marion Sproul


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