The Infinite Loop

Challenge yourself to a 12-hour or 24-hour run this summer

Have you ever wanted to experience a day in the life of Forrest Gump? Well, instead of running across the U.S. like he did in the eponymous film, the Bristow 24/12 Run allows you to run a 1.05 mile loop at Elijah Bristow State Park for 24 hours or 12 hours. 

The event is a way for runners to test themselves against a gargantuan timed challenge, but some runners use it as a way to run their first ultra marathon distance (traditionally anything more than 50km) without the worry of missing the course cutoff time, organizer Renee Janssen says. The run typically attracts more than 150 runners for both times, she says. 

Most running events have aid stations that offer water, electrolytes and nutritional gels, but the Bristow run has an aid station with flavor. She says runners can order pizza, quesadillas, rice bowls and more to refuel their body during the event. Although most trail races have steep elevation gains, the Bristow loop is pretty flat, but Janssen says there’s a small hill that gets bigger with every passing loop, which has been dubbed “Heartbreak Hill” after the famous climb at the Boston Marathon. 

Runners at races with designed routes usually don’t see each other, but the Bristow loop — despite its monotony — is a way to bring the participants together, no matter their paces, she says. The course and the state park share the trail with horses. She says the trail will have signs notifying equestrians the race is happening, but if you’re running, keep an eye out for horse poop. 

The Elijah Bristow 24/12 Run is Saturday, June 18. Registration closes June 9. For more information, visit 

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