Graffiti Has A Place, But Not Every Place

You glorified and encouraged some graffiti that I’d rather not have everywhere (“Suspish Fish Story,” 7/28). I hear you personally like it, and maybe enjoy being a little naughty by association. I wish you’d differentiated more between artful and self-centered (tagging one’s name/character over and over). I’m seeing “thin blue line” shirts almost every day (connected with Blue Lives Matter and even white nationalism).

The last thing we need is to antagonize the police for doing their job with regard to graffiti, which is particularly unglamorous work. Last year little Berkeley Park’s kiosk was graffitied over (covering up a free lunches flier), and various times we’ve called Parks and Rec about unkind Sharpie messages scrawled around the playground.

If only there was a more productive approach to vandalism hotspots. Oh, wait, there is! I appreciate those who’ve done the leg-work to create public spaces where anyone can paint big (more please, and perhaps a lower bar for some mural work?).

P.S: EW, you should have published my Local and Vocal instead!

Erica Walla


Editor’s note: We love Local and Vocal viewpoint submissions! But submissions go through an editing process and don’t just immediately get published (letters are faster). We also love all the positive feedback and good vibes we are seeing all over social media for Suspish’s work! 

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