The Best Justice Money Can Buy

I am very dismayed that Claire Syrett felt forced to drop her lawsuit (David Fidanque’s Viewpoint, “After the Recall,” 9/29).

I am very familiar with these legal tactics that allow people with money to so greatly raise the risks of pursuing matters of principle that even someone who is willing to risk a great deal cannot seek a day in court. Effectively, this means that money wins. If one has enough money, one can do anything they want to our elections and other civil processes and buy not only the outcome, but also buy their way out of responsibility for their actions.

I do not live in town, but the integrity of elections, including recalls, should be of concern to every citizen. Next time it could be in my community. It might even be perpetrated by the same people. Normally, I would be very cautious about drawing conclusions on such matters, but the evidence that something is not right about what happened in the Syrett recall is quite objective and publicly available.

If the conduct in the recall was just, let it be judged in court.

Perhaps the ACLU should look at the case? After all, what is more a matter of civil liberty than the integrity of elections?

Steven Berkson


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