Vote Democrat!

Vote Democrat if you want voting rights protected. Vote Democrat if you want to protect women’s rights and the rights of people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Vote Democrat if you support economic and environmental rights. Vote Democrat if you support greater educational support and opportunity for all. Vote Democrat if you support health care for all and for protecting the rights of workers.

Vote Democrat if you support the lives of people over the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Vote Democrat if you support science and reason over conspiracy and lies. Vote Democrat if you choose love and kindness over fear and hatred. Vote Democrat if you support democracy over autocracy. Vote Democrat if you value the rights of people over the rights of corporations.

Vote Democrat if you support the separation of church and state. Vote Democrat if you want to build a better future for all and not live in a mythical past where the rights of the many were determined by the powerful few. Vote Democrat if you support freedom and the Bill of Rights.

Vote Democrat if you are committed to the continuation of democracy in our country.

Christopher & Deb Michaels


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