Yes On 20-333

As someone who drives a car, I support Eugene measure 20-333 because I know it takes ongoing maintenance to keep our roads in good repair. As a person who rides a bicycle and walks for many of my trips, I support the bond measure because it will also help make it easier and safer for me to get to my destinations while reducing traffic congestion for motorists.

As a taxpayer, I support the bond measure because it continues a successful program the voters have approved three times before without raising the tax rate. As someone who cares about good governance, I support the bond measure because it provides accountability through public engagement, an independent auditor, and a citizen oversight committee to make sure the money is spent the way it’s intended. 

And as someone who cares about future generations, I support the bond measure because it provides funding to plant trees to help keep our streets cool and beautiful. 

Please join me in voting yes on measure 20-333.

Allen Hancock


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