Electrify Eugene

“Natural” gas is a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons consisting primarily of methane. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, contributing heavily to global warming. Children living in homes burning natural gas in stoves and heating systems have a greater tendency to develop asthma. According to Environmental Science & Technology, the annual climate impact of methane leaking from U.S. cookstoves equals the CO2 emissions from 500,000 gas powered cars.

Eugene has the opportunity now to reduce our use of natural gas by mandating all new residences be constructed with electricity as the energy source. Eugene Water and Electric Board assures us there is ample supply of electricity for this. Current residences using natural gas are not required to convert to electricity. 

The City Council could vote on this soon. Let’s urge them to agree this would be an easy and healthy thing for our city to do to help reduce our carbon footprint. 

Mary Addams


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