What To Do With The RG

First, let me say that I grew up in a newspaper-reading family. Or, I should say, a two-paper family — the Los Angeles Examiner and the Hollywood Citizen-News. And I have maintained my love of papers for the past 86 years (maybe 75 years or so of actual reading). Unfortunately, I can see the finish line ahead unless we take steps to prolong the life of this unreplaceable commodity.

I very much like the suggestion of Peter Laufer (EW 11/17) that Gannett Co. donate The Register-Guard to the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. It would serve as a nonprofit teaching model as well as a news source for the community. My day does not start without the RG opened up in front of me, a cup of coffee on one side and, usually, a cat on the other.

This experience has become less and less fulfilling. To use Laufer’s quote, “Just do it, Gannett.”

Jane Dods


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