Obie’s Vision Helps Only The Wealthy

It is so disappointing how Eugene Weekly chooses to cover Brian Obie (“Visions of Eugene,” 12/22). I have lived in Eugene since 1977 and have offered safe and affordable housing in my rentals for 30 years. During all this time, I have witnessed people like Obie taking advantage of the City Council and city permit offices to get massive tax breaks for building. I’d love such tax breaks.

Obie and his cohort have not helped develop this town in ways that benefit us all. Only rich people can stay in his hotels. Only affluent people see his development as beneficial. Eugene has a severe housing shortage of affordable housing, and tax breaks for Obie and others certainly do not adequately address the shortage. Shame on the Weekly for presenting Obie as a benefactor of all Eugene.

Paul Schultz


Editor’s note: We would love to hear from folks who offer affordable housing! See the story in the same issue on the new Ketanji Court. Please drop us a note at

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