We Need More Mental Health Providers

As a long time advocate for low income families, it is no secret to me that some of us made it through the worst of the pandemic better off than others. For low income families, stressors were exacerbated, and in most cases children are in need of mental health support.

One 4-year-old child who has been in the foster care system and who has exhibited aggressive and violent behavior toward others has been on a wait list since September. We need massive mental health provider recruitment in this county, state and country.

Partnerships between business, public education and the government can provide free tuition for people to become mental health providers. No one should be on a wait list when they are in crisis. The upstream solution is to be proactive now and get dedicated future mental health providers on board so by 2025 the most vulnerable will not only survive, but thrive. 

Eva Kronen


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