Silly Gas

NW Natural (methane gas) is inciting fear and angst in the residents of Eugene much like the tobacco and lead paint industries. Their recent multi full-page ads in local papers are rife with false and bogus information.

The Eugene City Council passed an ordinance to electrify all new residential construction and is not banning gas in existing residences and businesses. There is not a fossil gas ban in Eugene. Pull up the city website and read the ordinance. The new ordinance is not the first step in banning fossil gas in existing homes or businesses as the industry claims, and the city has not required electrification only for existing homes and businesses.

Contrary to NW Natural ad claims, the number of signatures they gathered using customer fees opposing electrification is fewer than 1 percent of the population of Eugene. As a customer, you should be questioning their misinformation, desperation and how they are spending your money.

Jim Neu


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