Environmental Opinions

From corporate greed to growing seeds, in letters


Pres. Joe Biden’s decision to move forward with the Willow Project is a blatant disregard for our environment and the health of our communities. How could he even consider allowing the destruction of thousands of acres of pristine wilderness just to satisfy the greed of a few wealthy corporations?

It’s a disgraceful display of corporate influence and political corruption that should not be tolerated. As for the Democratic primary, I hope Biden loses to Marianne Williamson. We need a leader who is truly committed to fighting for the rights of all people, not just the interests of the wealthy elite — someone who is willing to take bold and decisive action to address the urgent challenges we face as a society, from climate change to income inequality to systemic racism.

It’s time to demand more from our elected officials and hold them accountable for their actions. We can’t sit back and watch as our planet and our communities are destroyed for the sake of corporate profits. We need to stand up, speak out, and fight for a better future for all.

Devon Lawson-McCourt


Reducing the use of natural gas and gas stoves is certainly an important goal toward good environmental stewardship. More importantly, did you know that reducing the consumption of animal products is the single most significant action you can take to help our environment? By doing so you will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and soil degradation. Animal agriculture emits nearly 60 percent of greenhouse gasses from food production. Feeding animals to produce calories is not efficient, nor is it environmentally friendly.

Cutting back or eliminating animal product consumption does not require lobbying politicians to change current laws or implement new ones. You don’t need technology or a political movement to make a difference. You can do it where you live, right now.

Environmentally, our planet faces a five-alarm emergency. We can either work and accomplish together in love or quarrel our way to planetary degradation. At this crucial point in history, our individual choices in all matters do make a difference and affect all people and the planet for good or ill.

May all of our decisions take into consideration the good of the whole — the people as well as the planet. Let us live and work for the benefit of the seventh generation into the future.

Christopher and Deb Michaels


 Food security means that all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Seeds stand at the center of all life. They are the building block of food security.

I am one of the many open-pollinated organic seed farmers whose livelihood is at risk if the canola (rapeseed) cap is lifted. I support Senate Bill 789, which maintains current protections for brassica seed production in the Willamette Valley Protected District.

Having access to organic, open-pollinated seed is food security. Urge your legislator to pass SB 789.

Alva Waterstone
Wild Child Farm
Junction City


The ongoing controversies about LGBTQ issues, framed mostly as red vs. blue, are dividing us all and have profound impacts on many who are simply trying to be who they are.

However, I see the situation completely differently. I believe the epidemics of cancer, autism and gender ambiguity in recent decades are a direct result of the proliferation of hormone disrupting, neurotoxic, carcinogenic chemicals throughout our environment.

PFAs, known hormone suppressors and forever chemicals, used to make plastic flexible (think food containers, among many other uses), are just one example.

Another is fire retardant. I don’t know how many children you know who have been seriously injured by their clothes catching fire, but virtually every child on earth is walking around in clothes which have been immersed in highly toxic fire retardant.

Not only are governments across the world failing to meaningfully regulate these chemicals, but in many cases the chemical corporations use their immense power to get government regulators to REQUIRE their use! (Hell of a business model!)

The examples of hormone disruptors, neurotoxins, and carcinogens in our food, water, air, clothes, furniture, building materials, etc., are virtually endless, and the consequences, entirely predictable. In the 21st century it makes no sense to allow them to be produced. Yet the chemical companies, just like the oil companies, tobacco companies, junk food companies, etc., continue to be the “backbone” of the world’s economic system, and to hide the damage they know their products are inflicting on all life on Earth.

Rick Moser

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