In The Register-Guard in 2015, I wrote the eulogy for our beloved Eugene Civic Stadium. Today I’m writing about the demise of our beloved old newspaper — The Register-Guard. 

The RG is one of 45 local media outlets that Gannett Corp. owns. This huge corporation will not allow the editors of the RG to spend time editing op-ed articles. I miss these articles, and the letters to the editor. When the RG dropped the opinion page, I unsubscribed from a newspaper I had valued so highly. But had I really dropped it? 

Every day on my home computer I get the RG’s “The Daily Briefing,” which only gives me the headlines, not the full story. I have tried numerous times to unsubscribe from these so called briefings. Every day on my home computer I get this unwanted spam, plus announcements of reduced subscription fees should I decide to resubscribe. 

I also get unsolicited cell phone spam calls from heavily accented voices asking me to resubscribe to the RG. I get letters in my mailbox asking me to resubscribe. I’ll resubscribe when the RG is locally owned again.

Therefore, I’m ending this epistle as I did for the stadium — “Thank you for the heartfelt memories, and may you rest in peace.”

Joe R. Blakely


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