Don’t Be Fooled By NW Natural’s Money

In February, the Eugene City Council passed a sensible plan to ban methane gas hookups to some types of new residential construction. It’s a start in the late effort to fight climate change. Naturally, NW Natural Gas is against it because it would cut into their profits. It is so damaging to their profits that they have spent $700,000 from customer revenue to import petition signature gatherers from across the country to spread fear and misinformation about our local effort.

The misleading narrative they are promoting is that the City Council is banning all gas use in town. Wrong. It is banning installation of gas infrastructure in some types of new residential construction in the city. We are never going to get ahead of climate change if we continue investing in old technology.

Looks like their campaign is working and will make it onto the November ballot. Don’t be fooled. Be sure you are registered to vote, so you can vote against their ballot measure in the November election. Small steps like this can make a big difference.

Dave Stone


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