SB 610 Would Help Feed Everyone

In “Grow Your Own” (EW, March 23) it was exciting to read gardening tips, how to support one another to grow our own food and how the authors were able to nourish their new land through the pandemic. Reading the article also made me think about the times when we may not have enough food.

During the early part of the pandemic as many as  one in five Oregonians faced hunger. Many folks were able to access important benefits, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Unfortunately, right now, more than 62,000 Oregonians are excluded from this vital food program just because of their immigration status. 

We have an opportunity to change that and support our communities and neighbors by passing Senate Bill 610, Food for All Oregonians. SB 610 will ensure that everyone in Oregon has access to the food needed to thrive, and it would take important steps toward a future where immigration status no longer drives hunger and poverty in our communities.

Food is a human right, and it’s time we move towards a reality in which everyone has access to the food they need. I urge Oregon legislators to prioritize Food for All Oregonians. Everyone in Oregon should have access to food and other essential resources regardless of place of birth, immigration status or other discriminatory factors.

Mackenzie Aime 


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