Tenants Beware Of Good Intentions

The Eugene City Council will soon vote on new regulations that will drastically affect tenants, especially those with barriers — poor credit, poor rental history, pets, etc. They are following the guidelines set by similar laws enacted in Portland a few years ago. Those laws resulted in private landlords’ selling off their properties, and meant 13 percent fewer available rentals.

What happens when there are fewer rentals available? Rents go up as much as allowed, and landlords will only take the best and the brightest applicants and not risk taking a chance if you are not a perfect applicant. By trying to help tenants, the unintended consequence of these laws the city is making will make it harder for you.

We’ve rented to people with red flags, pets, credit issues, etc., and took a chance. We, along with many other landlords in town, won’t be doing it if the laws pass. If the property is not sold off, there’s a good chance it will be given to one of the management companies. It will be your loss. Contact the mayor’s office if you want your voice heard.

Deborah Strochlic 


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