Lafer For 4J Board

We are only as strong as our weakest link. Gordon Lafer knows this. From the workers who build our schools to the necessary classified staff who support everyone in those schools, to the parents and teachers of our students, Lafer fights for all in our Eugene 4J community. He has proven himself to be collaborative, respectful and able to make positive change happen.

Navigating the current complexities of our world can be a challenge for all of us. Parents and guardians need information. Thanks to Lafer, a parent can now ask a teacher if the Smarter Balanced standardized test is beneficial for their student or not. That teacher can now give the parent clear information. He convinced the board to vote to allow teachers to speak informatively to the family. Most students are not “standard,” and teachers now have the right to answer parents’ questions and concerns.

A library opens doors to the world for the community. I lived outside the city limits when my two children were young in 4J schools. At that time it was not possible for me to afford a library card for them. Lafer worked with district leadership and the Eugene Public Library to provide library cards for all 4J students.

I have the utmost confidence in Lafer. He has proven his ability to work respectfully for positive change even in difficult situations. A vote for Lafer is a vote for community and for empowering all of us.

Carrie Ann Naumoff

(Retired 4J teacher)


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