Hamilton Will Bring Civility To The 4J Board

Over many years in our capacity as Eugene Education Association president and co-presidents, we represented all of the teachers and certified staff in 4J. We worked with many different 4J board members. Firsthand, we saw how important it was to have each member of the board working together respectfully as a team with no one member being more important or taking individual credit for successful, effective programs or decisions. Unfortunately, some members of the current 4J board are having difficulty recalling the behaviors and actions that made the 4J board a model of integrity and outstanding leadership in public education.

Change needs to happen, and Rick Hamilton is exactly the kind of person to help make that change. He is a gracious man who cares deeply about the youth of our community and in particular those children who have fallen between the cracks. Hamilton and his wife have deep roots in the community and firsthand experience, having had their children attend 4J schools. As a retired state trooper and certified diversity trainer, Hamilton has practiced skills in listening to different perspectives with a focus on respect. He understands that being an effective board member means being open, listening to all views, being transparent and showing courtesy. 

Hamilton has the background, integrity and grit to be part of a board that works together openly. Hamilton is inviting to parents, staff and community, and most importantly, he will work collaboratively with all stakeholders to encourage and support every 4J student.

Merri Steele

Paul Duchin


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