Hamilton Will Put Students First

I was the superintendent of 4J schools for 12 years, and worked with many different school board members during that time.

I know first hand that a well-functioning board has a profound impact on a school district. A board that is respectful and has clear priorities for students raises staff morale and keeps the district on track. This is also felt at the school level, and ultimately by the classroom teachers and the students.

The leadership of a school district really matters. A board can have healthy differences of opinion, but then they need to move forward to support students.

Unfortunately, the current 4J school board is not moving forward in the best interest of students. They are disrespectful to each other and staff, and students lose out. We need a change on the school board to turn this dynamic around.

I feel strongly that Rick Hamilton has the skills we need to restore respect and transparency and teamwork to the 4J school board. He will always put students first. I am supporting Hamilton for the school board.

George Russell


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