Animal Funding Restored

Budget committee votes to reinstate Greenhill’s animal services funding 

By Bob Keefer and Camilla Mortensen

On May 24 the city of Eugene’s Budget Committee restored funding for the animal services provided by Greenhill Humane Society. Greenhill was facing a 56 percent cut in its funding from the city. That would, among other things, have meant Greenhill could no longer take in stray or lost and found animals except for dogs.

Eugene Weekly covered the proposed cuts in late April, and a public outcry swiftly ensued. 

The move to reinstate funding was quietly announced via Mayor Lucy Vinis’s May 26 “Keeping in Touch: Notes from the mayor” blog, which gets posted late on Friday afternoons — virtually ensuring no one will read it. 

The blog says, “Adjustments were made to the Manager’s proposed budget that shifted funds to keep a fire engine in operation and maintain support for Greenhill Humane Society.” You can watch the May 24 Budget Committee meeting here. 

Greenhill posted this on its Facebook and Instagram pages over the weekend: 

“We are pleased to share some encouraging news following last night’s City of Eugene Budget Committee Meeting. Councilor [Matt] Keating presented a motion to reinstate funding for the animal sheltering contract, and the motion received unanimous support from both the City Councilors and Citizen Budget Committee Members. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved, including the Councilors, Budget Committee Members, City Staff, and all those who actively participated by speaking at meetings or sending emails. Your unwavering dedication and hard work ensured the restoration of funding.”

The funding, Greenhill notes, is temporary, lasting only two years. “During the upcoming 12 to 24 months, we aim to work with city staff and leadership to establish a permanent funding solution,” the posts say.

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