Rep. Paul Holvey Is A Champion For Health Care Workers

I’ve worked as a registered nurse for nine years, and have lived in House District 8 for six years. Having served as a board member for the Oregon Nurses Association, as well as a leader of my local’s bargaining unit, I’m also a strong believer in the importance of an organized workplace. That is why I am a strong supporter of Oregon Rep. Paul Holvey, and am both puzzled and dismayed by the misguided and disingenuous attempt to recall him [by United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555].

On the House Business and Labor Committee, Holvey has personally improved the workplace for healthcare workers and our patients. Just this year, Holvey has been instrumental in pushing forward a bill that would create better staffing ratios in Oregon hospitals. This bill will allow health care workers to have the support they need and put a stop to the extreme burnout we have been feeling.

In 2022, he spearheaded a bill that protected health care coverage for low-income Oregonians. This law provided health care coverage for those who do not qualify for federal coverage through Medicaid or Medicare but cannot afford commercial health insurance coverage, ensuring all Oregonians get the healthcare they need. 

Holvey has a long, strong record of honest leadership that stands up for Oregon workers, patients and families. I urge you to not support these ridiculous recall efforts. 

Chris Rompala, RN

Sacred Heart Medical Center 

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