Government, State and Local

From the Rep. Paul Holvey recall effort to Lane County’s timber move


I have known Paul Holvey for nearly 20 years and had the privilege of working with him in the Oregon House. When I think of Holvey, the words that immediately come to mind to describe him are honest, hard working and fair. With all of this in mind, I was baffled to learn of UFCW’s efforts to recall him. 

It’s impossible to list all his leadership has delivered, but one of the most important bills for our part of the valley was the field burning ban in 2009. He worked hard to develop this piece of legislation bit by bit over the course of four years, developed a strong coalition in favor of the bill, and finally got this law passed by just one vote. 

This is one of the many examples that come to mind when I think about laws that Holvey has fought to pass that have directly bettered the lives of those living in Oregon and House District 8. As a result of Holvey’s hard work, we can all breathe a little easier every July when grass fields used to be burned in our valley. 

The important work he has spearheaded to protect our environment is not done yet, and we need Holvey in Oregon’s House. Please join me in refusing to sign this bizarre attempt to recall Rep. Holvey. 

Phil Barnhart
Oregon state representative 2001-2019


In the eight years in which I’ve lived in state Rep. Paul Holvey’s district, I’ve sent him a handful of emails stating my opinion on bills before the Legislature. I’ve tried to keep my emails brief and respectful. Not once have I received a reply, even to acknowledge my email, much less to address the issues I raised in them.

I don’t know if I agree with the reasoning behind the UFCW Local 555’s attempt to recall Holvey, but it seems to me that an elected official at any level should at least acknowledge the existence of their constituents, or, perhaps, I don’t know, elicit their opinions in matters of public policy? If Holvey doesn’t believe his job is to engage with his constituents, what does he think his job is? And importantly, does he deserve to keep it?

Alex Bauman


Once again the male majority of the Lane County Board of Commissioners voted to join the Association of O&C Counties (AOCC) membership, a timber industry lobbying group that costs the county approximately $90,000 annually. AOCC advocates for increased logging on public lands that harm clean water and fisheries, wildlife habitat, destroys bio systems and reduces carbon sequestration, which has adverse effects on our climate.

The Lane County Climate Action Plan consultant, Good Company, determined that local forests remove about 4.8 million metric tons of carbon annually, about half of what we emit countywide. The timber industry, according to Oregon State University staff, is the largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions in the state, contributing to a warmer planet. The Lane County Climate Advisory Committee (LCCAC) recommended supporting the recovery of our natural resources damaged by logging practices.

And yet, ignoring the recommendations of staff and the LCCAC, the male commissioners support an organization that has sued to increase timber cuts, attacked the decision to expand the Siskiyou National Monument, is opposed to working solutions to fight climate change and holds closed-door meetings.

With the increasing effects of climate change such as heat, drought, insect infestation, tree die off and wildlands fires, is this the direction we want our county to take when it comes to forest management? I think not. Tell your county commissioner to keep the AOCC membership out of the budget.

Jim Neu

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