Rape and Corruption are not the Same Thing

In the June 15 Weekly, the final entry in Slant laments the fact that recent events demonstrate that Oregon’s leaders are not living up to the state’s reputation for “clean” politics. The evidence given? Former Gov. John Kitzhaber’s resignation on charges of ethics violations, former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan’s resignation for similar reasons, and finally former Gov. Neil Goldschmidt’s years-long rape of a 14-year-old girl.

It shouldn’t be too difficult to understand that the final case is nothing like the former two, and infinitely worse. That EW blithely equated the three is shocking, indicating, at best, highly lazy thinking. Yes, ethics violations are troubling and deserve everybody’s attention, but to compare them with raping children is offensive to victims of sexual violence and degrades our already damaged political discourse. Please, do better. 

Luke Habberstad

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