Ladies and gentlemen, come on in to witness a blindfolded knife thrower, a snake charmer, a contortionist, a very different take on the classic ballet Swan Lake as well as plenty of burlesque and music. It’s time to open the curtain for The Vaudeville Revival June 30 at Whirled Pies. “I’m just enthralled with the variety of this show,” says Lu Harlow, a burlesque performer and head of Eugene-based Nouveau Noir, USA, which helped organize the show with Clear Productions. “I’m very excited.” The Vaudeville Revival is Harlow’s first show in Eugene, though she has helped organize shows throughout the state and once ran The SunnySide Theatre in Roseburg. And this show has a touch of everything. It starts with a cocktail hour as well as music from The Whiteaker Hot Club. The show itself features Americana Mayhem as the knife thrower, Sademoselle Florentine as the snake charmer (with Nagini), Wicked Wednesday as the contortionist and Peaches Von Killingsworth (pictured) as the swan in Swan Lake. In addition, Miss Pepper G from Wax Poetry Revue is performing as well as Lady Sadie, formerly of Siren Society with comedy from Sirk the Sideshow. “We’ve got a pretty well-rounded show,” Harlow says.
The Vaudeville Revival is 9 pm Friday, June 30, at Whirled Pies, 199 W. 8th Avenue. Tickets are $15 to $20, $40 for VIP seating.