Art House Love

Thank you, EW, for the nice story on the Art House; we hope it encourages folks to head back to the theater! After being displaced for a few years, DisOrient Asian American Film Festival held its 18th annual festival at the Art House in March. The Art House was abuzz all weekend with excited filmgoers enjoying independent films, Q&A’s with filmmakers and community connection.

Our festival attendees included Oregon locals, out-of-state folks and over 60 filmmakers from around the U.S. and Canada. Our filmmakers attend many festivals and venues across the country, and in much bigger cities, and they gave rave reviews for their film experience at our theater. The Art House is a local gem and DisOrient is grateful for Edward Schiessl’s ongoing support of diversity in storytelling and independent films in Eugene.

Susan Hirata
Pamela Quan
DisOrient Asian American Film Festival of Oregon

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