Let Voters Elect Representatives, Not Politicians

Since 2004 I have been proud to be represented by Paul Holvey. He has been a staunch advocate for working Oregonians and the environment. As a House District 8 voter, I take pride in knowing my vote counts when electing representatives in Oregon’s Legislature. Having this process respected is paramount to a functioning democracy. It is disappointing that Oregon’s chapter of the United Food and Commercial Workers has so far spent more than $120,000 in an effort to cancel my vote and the thousands of other voters who elected Holvey.

UFCW Local 555 has filed a petition to recall Holvey as the House representative for HD 8, and it is currently paying uninformed individuals to collect signatures and put this on a special election ballot. If Holvey is recalled, politicians — not voters — would hand pick his replacement. These politicians would be the majority right-wing Lane County commissioners  — people who should NOT be hand picking our next state representative.

This recall is also a waste of time and money. HD 8 voters spoke loud and clear last November when they voted Holvey back into office with nearly 85 percent of the votes cast in that election. He will already be up for re-election in a little over a year, where voters can decide if they want to re-elect Holvey for another term.

The process of directly electing the representatives who vote on issues that impact our community is of the utmost importance to me. If you also want to protect the right of HD 8 voters to elect their leaders, do not support UFCW’s costly, reckless and wrong recall.

Bob Warren

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