Holvey Recall Effort Hurts Taxpayers

My family and I have been tax-paying residents of Lane County since the early 1980s. Taxes take a considerable amount of our earnings, but we know those dollars are necessary for maintaining and improving the community in which we live. This includes funding public health, safety and law enforcement, funding local schools (one of the most important ways we can spend our collective treasure), repairing and modernizing our infrastructure and public spaces, affordable housing, food security for our children and elderly — the list goes on.

Given the ongoing and increasing need for the aforementioned essentials, I find it unacceptable to have our tax dollars siphoned off to run a special election in House District 8. Apart from being politically reckless, this is an irresponsible use of our hard-earned money. According to Lane County Elections, a special election with a recall vote would cost at least $65,000 to facilitate. That money should be spent to improve our community and make House District 8 a better place to live for all. I do not want our precious resources used to fund a dispute waged by a lobbyist against our state representative.

We, the citizens of District 8, will soon have the opportunity to cast our vote on Rep. Paul Holvey’s return to office. I urge our community not to support this wasteful and unjustified recall effort.

Justin King
King Estate Winery

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