Loving Electric

I recently purchased an electric bike and love it! I live at the north end of Gilham and work downtown. My commute to work is less than five minutes longer than when I drive my truck. I ride the river path home most afternoons. Being outside and getting a little exercise on the way to and from work is wonderful. I only pedal if I want to. My wife and I were lucky enough to spend some time in Europe a couple of months ago, and it is amazing how many people are commuting on electric bikes there. I am currently sitting in downtown Victoria, B.C., on a Monday morning at 8 o’clock watching the city come alive. The number of people commuting on electric bikes is amazing. I want to urge my fellow community members to consider commuting on an electric bike and join the trend — it’s a game changer! Be respectful of pedestrians and others around you by being an EV ambassador. Otherwise, ride it like you stole it!

Matthew D. Longtin

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