Holvey Recall An Abuse Of The System

I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside Paul Holvey in the Oregon House for the last six and a half years, including as a member of the Business and Labor Committee that he chairs. Paul is an honest and hardworking voice for Lane County, and, without a doubt, he’s one of the strongest allies for workers in the Capitol. A retired union carpenter, Paul has championed legislation that created paid sick time and paid family leave, increased the minimum wage, ensured agricultural workers are eligible for overtime and expanded the use of apprenticeships in this state.

So, like many in our community, I was shocked when I learned that UFCW is attempting to recall Holvey — it’s honestly one of the most inexplicable things I’ve ever experienced during my time in the legislature. To date, UFCW has spent over $100,000 of their members’ hard-earned money gathering signatures for the recall effort. 

Frankly, I believe this an abuse of Oregon’s recall system. A recall should be reserved for egregious cases of an elected official acting illegally or unethically. Paul won re-election with 85 percent of the vote just nine months ago, and voters will weigh in on this seat again next year. If this recall succeeds, the conservative Lane County Commission will appoint the next state representative for House District 8, not voters. I ask HD 8 voters to say “no” to this recall by declining to sign the recall petition — and, should this make it to the ballot, to please vote “no.” 

Rep. Julie Fahey
House Majority Leader

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