Mayoral candidate Kaarin Knudson and the war in Gaza are on readers’ minds this week


Kaarin Knudson is the leader that Eugene needs as our next mayor. Over the years, I’ve witnessed her in a variety of roles and have been impressed by her poise and grace in every single one, whether that be watching her discuss Eugene’s housing crisis in a room full of people or seeing the love and respect with which she raises her children. She brings curiosity, respect, a sense of collaboration, patience and a listening ear to each conversation she’s engaged in.

Knudson’s training as an architect has supplied her with the tools to think critically about complex issues and ask thoughtful questions to better understand and solve problems. There are many ways she’s impacted this community with these skills, from community engagement around the Eugene riverfront and City Hall to our middle housing code amendments. This last example shows that she is not only committed to thinking creatively about how to address our housing and homelessness crisis in this community, but follows through beyond words with action.

If you ever wonder about the ability of Knudson to multi-task, look no further than her history as an All-American athlete and NCAA Woman of the Year during her time running track while working on her undergraduate degree at UO. This experience clearly set her up to succeed in the various roles she has as architect, planner, educator, founding director of a local nonprofit, wife, mother, friend and, hopefully, the next mayor of Eugene.

Amanda Donofrio


Editor’s note: See more letters supporting Knudson’s mayoral candidacy, as well as expressing opinions on topics from gas stations to the war in Gaza, in our online letters at


Now that the issues at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart are making headlines, I wanted to share what it is like for the frontline health care workers who allow the hospital to operate. Despite being absolutely essential for our community’s public health, and with executives pulling high six- and seven-figure salaries, many of the techs who perform the most important functions in the hospital are barely able to get by. 

I have been a pharmacy tech at PeaceHealth for nearly 20 years and continue to make so little that I would not be able to afford to rent an apartment in our community on my wages alone. When I went into the health care field, I dreamed that I would be able to provide a stable life for my then-infant son, and since then I’ve struggled to do the normal things to have a decent life: save for emergencies, plan a retirement, go on the occasional vacation or night out. As it stands, only the bare minimums are covered by my wages at PeaceHealth, and this is a common experience for the techs, which include positions like respiratory therapists, radiology technologists, cardiac sonographers and other skilled, life-saving positions. 

As a pharmacy technician, I have worked on preparing cancer drugs and hospital IVs, not to mention supporting patients in need of anti-viral drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a critical, sometimes dangerous job where I ensure that our patients get the care they need. The hospital couldn’t run without my coworkers and me, so why won’t they pay us living wages?

The staffing crisis that is happening at PeaceHealth is a result of its historically low wages, and while it pays their executives huge salaries and bonuses, the rest of us are left to struggle.

Robin Hendrix

Cottage Grove


I go with my sister to ballet lessons and Saturday Market every week, and we park in the parking garage. Even though parking is free, we have to take a paper ticket. I think the city should stop using tickets on no-pay-to-park days.

Paper kills trees, trees make oxygen for people, so making tickets when we don’t need them kills trees, and that kills people.

Please help, city of Eugene!

Emery Traen, age 6



In response to the ViewPoint “Rethinking the Pump” (Oct. 12), I myself have been wondering why there is a boom of new gas stations in west Eugene. About 10 years ago, two new convenience stores opened up at Four Corners, both with gas pumps. One is an AM/PM and the other is a 7-Eleven. Both are just a few yards from a Mobile station that’s been there for years. There is also a 76 station near Fairfield on Hwy 99. 

The Barger area has a 76 station on Cubit Street near WinCo. Now a convenience store owner near West Irwin has built a new 76 station. Then over on the corner of West 6th Avenue and Garfield Street is a new 7-Eleven with gas pumps. On West 11th Avenue and Bailey Hill Road is another new 7-Eleven with gas pumps, within a block of Fred Meyer’s gas pumps. Then another new 7-Eleven on the corner of West 7th Avenue and Polk Street also has gas pumps. 

I really don’t see some of these gas stations being very busy. I just don’t get why we need so many new gas stations, but it seems to be popular in west Eugene. Consumerism is still running out of control in our country despite our efforts to reduce emissions in our atmosphere. This is so frustrating. 

Holly Sombs



We are fairly new to Eugene and appreciate our community very much. One of the reasons for that appreciation is having witnessed the exceptional effort by a wonderfully generous volunteer named Terry. For the last five years, while caring for his aging mother, he has visited Amazon Dog Park three times per day to clean the water containers, pick up droppings and play with the many canines that visit. Three times daily for five years comes to nearly 4,000 visits! Amazing.

As he describes it, he did it for therapy for himself, but obviously many dogs and owners have benefited, including ours.

He has been of immensely impressive service and is an example for us all. As his mother has passed, he will soon leave for overseas to rejoin his partner and their dear 15 dogs. We wish you well there, Terry, and thank you on behalf of all the Amazon Fidos, Rovers, Spots and their loving pet parents.

Barbara Koostra and
David Morgenroth



I am thrilled that Kaarin Knudson is running for mayor of Eugene. She made an impression on me 15 or so years ago at work when I was in the audience during a very skilled presentation. Besides command of the topic she had a charisma that held the audience.

Fast forward many years and, as a volunteer, I became involved with advocating for more housing options, which are critically needed in Eugene. I found that Knudson was the leader of the movement. She’s smart, organized and once again demonstrates a unique ability to persuade through facts and a communication style that is respectful of everyone’s viewpoint.

She is an ideal candidate. She loves our community. She is a great listener and finds common ground. Dedication and perseverance come naturally to her. She put in the hours to become an All-American track star for Oregon. Knudson knows both the challenges of raising a family and the importance of fostering a safe and caring community with an economic engine.

It’s been my privilege to have worked with Eugene mayors for over 40 years — going back at least to Brian Obie. I know Knudson has what it takes, and then some. She will be a great mayor. Mayor Lucy Vinis and previous mayor Kitty Piercy have endorsed her. Remember her name. Vote for Knudson.

Richie Weinman


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